Hotel type: Hotel murah di Bandung
Address: Jl. H. Moh. Iskat No. 21 Kebon Kawung Bandung
Phone number: (022) 4204784
Fax number: (022) 4204263
Email address: -
Website Address: -
Griya indah Hotel-Room facilities
Air conditioner (AC), bathroom, Bathtub, hot & cold water, double twin beds, cable TV, telephone, and a table.
Griya indah Hotel-Room rate
Griya Indah Hotel Bandung has 30 hotel rooms consisting of:
- Suite room / rate: Rp.200.000 – 250000
- Semi economic Room / rate: Rp.160.000 – 200.000
- Economic room / rate room: 75.000 – 125.000
Griya indah Hotel-Location:
Hotel Griya Indah Bandung |
To go to the Griya indah Hotel, you only need 15 minutes away from the train station Bandung, 40 minutes from the International airport Husein Sastranegara and 30 minutes from Pasteur toll road.